Mat Smith Photography featured in this week’s Metro (London) and St Pancras International Station

This week my photograph of St Pancras International Station is featured in high-circulation newspapers and journals (London), as well as on large posters adorning the concourse at St Pancras International Train Station.

The photograph – which uses a photographic and processing technique that involves the combination of high-key and low-key long exposure photographs – is featured in the London Metro newspaper (2/3 page), 2 metre prints on billboards within the station itself, on the front page of the website of St Pancras International, as well as in the Camden New Journal.

This is part of a Valentine’s Day promotion for St Pancras International to bring visitors to the station where they can dine, visit boutique shops, and visit the now famous Champagne bar, as well as peruse the statues, beautifully restored architecture, and love poetry penned by historic British authors, which is printed around the station.

The photo: (Copyright 2010 Mat Smith Photography)

St Pancras Refurbishment

To see the work:

  • Pick up a Metro (London free newspaper) between Wednesday 10 Feb and  Friday 12 Feb, and look for the St Pancras promotion
  • Pick up a copy of the Camden New Journal
  • Visit St Pancras International and look for the large billboards in the middle of the concourse
  • Download a PDF of the Metro promotion: mat-smith-photography-metro-10-02-2010.pdf
  • Visit during the promotion
  • View the Metro e-Edition: (enter any email address to view, and skip to page 28)
  • Download the Metro app for iPhone / iTouch, and view previous editions. Wednesday 10 Feb edition shows the photograph on page 28.

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